Supply List for Ingrid Egeli MUDHEAD Workshop

Scroll down for supply list

Registration and Questions:  Contact Ellen at email

Workshop Fee:   $230 (Members)   $250 (Non-Members)

Registration and Payment are appreciated by 12 February

Pay in person at the Guild, or mail to:

The Art Students Guild of Brevard
909 E. New Haven Avenue, Suite 301
Melbourne, FL 32901

PayPal Option (incurs fees):
(please enter and pay correct amount)

$238.52 Members (includes PayPal Fees)
$259.22 Non-members (includes PayPal Fees)

The Mudhead,33009,771145,00.html has been studied by artists since the 1900’s. American Impressionist Charles Hawthorne taught this method emphasizing the application of color masses to express the sunlight upon a figure, and it was continued by his student, Henry Hensche, until his passing in 1994. The Mudhead is a portrait painted outdoors, whatever the weather. Mudheads were taught on the beach, and in the yard as well. A ”Mudhead” is the first pass application of oil paint using a palette knife on a board at a particular time of day. The Impressionists ushered in a revolution of color harmonies, while painting the light quality in every subject such as still life, portrait, landscape and finally through expressionism, as with Van Gogh. This workshop will focus on the Impressionist palette. This method will add vibrancy and excitement to your work and it is a lot of fun! We will be basically playing in the paint all day. Nothing will bring more atmospheric quality to your work like learning color harmony. Like music, we as artists must learn to harmonize our color repertoire. Florida’s February weather is some of the finest in the world. The light quality is inspiring; this is why Henry Hensche spent his winters with Eliot McMurrough, a Guild Member and Founder. Eliot McMurrough lived in Indialantic, Florida until 1976. Henry Hensche came almost every year to teach a two-week course with demos in Florida. 

Ingrid Egeli studied at the Cape Cod School of Art with Henry Hensche starting at age 14.

This workshop is open to all mediums, although oils are recommended. 


1. One palette, any color besides white (white throws glare into your eyes which does not help you to see the color). I suggest a wood palette or any large palette painted gray. The larger the better. Recommended: Masterson Sta-Wet Paint Palette with Airtight Lid, for Oil Based Paint to store your mud. You can also use a long thin piece of tupperware. 

2. One clamp umbrella for your easel: these are advised.

3. One easel that will stay put in case of wind. Bring a dumbbell if you think this will be an issue.

5. Three clamps in case of wind:

6. List of paints:

It is recommended that you bring one cool and one warm color of each primary pigment, plus raw umber and a large tube of titanium white.

If using a different medium, do the best you can. 

The most important thing is that you have a cool red, a warm red, a cool yellow, a warm yellow, a cool blue, and a warm blue in whichever medium you choose. See following list.

(If the brand is not listed, any brand is acceptable.)

Permanent Rose (Winsor & Newton)--cool red

Cadmium red–warm red

Cadmium orange

Alizarin crimson (optional)

Lemon yellow–cool yellow

Cadmium yellow–warm yellow

Titanium white (essential)

Emerald green (Rembrandt) 

Viridian green

Cadmium green (Gamblin)

Permanent green light (Gamblin)

Cobalt blue *optional (Winsor Newton/Winton)

Cerulean–warm blue

Ultramarine blue-cool blue

Bring as many purples as you can, but stay away from Thalos

Permanent red violet (Rembrandt)

Dioxide purple (Windsor Newton)

Light magenta *optional (Holbein)

Mars Violet 

Yellow ochre

Brown Ochre *optional (Windsor Newton)

Indian yellow (Windsor Newton) 

Ivory Black

Raw Umber (essential)

7 . One “nimble” or flexible palette knife.

8. Four small brushes - one sable number two, and one each of bristles number two, four and six. I recommend Rosemary for sable and Silverman for bristle. You just need a few brushes to use at the very end.

9. One stick of soft charcoal. No specific brand.

10. 2 rolls of paper towels, Viva recommended.

11. Single use plastic trash bags for paint rags.

12. Sunscreen, Bottle of water, Snacks & bagged meal

13. Recommended: Beige or darker sun hat with string tied around chin.

Grey, navy, or black shirt to wear while painting. White reflects light into your work. 

14. Six 16 x 20 ⅛ masonite boards, if you need to work smaller or larger, you may. There is also a thin light plywood that is ¼ inch thick that works well too. Home Depot or Lowes will cut your boards for you for free if you ask. Take your boards and lightly sand them with P 120 grit sandpaper. Then gesso your boards using a scotsman cross pattern. After it is dry, paint a second layer in one direction and a third layer in the other direction. I add acrylic based pigmentation to my gesso to create a number six value pattern on my boards. You can be creative with your base color. I like to use a cool violet. After the board is dry, lightly sand it again. 

Please DO NOT bring canvases or canvas paper or ready-made boards. I will have some extra boards available. You can also use whatever light plywood you have around, cut into 16 x 20 boards and gessoed as above.

15. Recommended: One 12 by 16 paper palette (liner) for paint storage. You will put your paint in the freezer each evening, then clean your brushes with Dawn dishwashing liquid or your preferred brush cleanser. 

*All other mediums, follow the selection of pigmentation as best you can. We will improvise accordingly.

16. One empty salsa jar for turps or mineral spirits. 

Mineral spirits placed in a jar.

17. One can of spray retouch varnish (optional)

The study of color, even in a small way will bring a lightness, atmospheric and exciting quality to your work. Playing with color is enjoyable and can be messy, so do not wear clothes that you need to keep clean. Spray and wash solves all problems. 

18. Bring bagged meal to eat at class critique. Critique is optional but recommended.